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Kimberley 2009 season wrap up October 31, 2009 |
1 November 2009, Issue #019 In this issue:
To unsubscribe or change your address please use the links at the bottom of this message. To write to me please see the contact page: Hello there! It's been an awfully long time since you last heard from me. So long that a couple of readers have emailed me, asking whether there was a bug, whether maybe they had missed an issue or two. No you haven't! I really have not sent out anything, for the simple reason that I have not become aware of any important updates or changes that I'd need to let you know about. I have been overseas for much of the time, from mid July until early October. During that time it's been unusually quiet on the website and in my inbox. I'm not sure why. Maybe the economy is really taking its toll and there are fewer travellers out there this season? (My website traffic is the same as always, but from what I heard, many accommodation providers are feeling the crunch.) Or maybe people did not bother to write in with anything since they knew I was not around? (It doesn't really matter where I am. I still check my emails as often as possible and I still make necessary changes on the website and in the guides!) Or maybe, just maybe, there really haven't been any changes, and everything in the guide is current and spot on, and there was nothing to correct or complain about? (One can hope, right?) In any way, you haven't missed any issues! And if in future you ever wonder whether you might have, just go to the back issues page: A link to it is at the bottom of every newsletter. All newsletter issues are archived there, so you can easily see if there was a new issue or not. Well, the 2009 season is definitely over now. I heard September was unusually hot again. To make up for it, the first weeks of October were unusually cool and dry. The nights dropped below 20 Celsius! I had just returned from the ice and snow at 3000 - 4000 m altitude in the Alps so I was very grateful for that! But it's all over now. Things have been heating up, we had the first few showers, and it is as hot and humid as you would expect this time of the year. Consequently the last tourists have fled and most businesses and parks have closed their doors. I should have another couple of quiet months ahead of me, hopefully enough time to finish my next guide book! Many Kimberley visitors also travel between Kununurra and Darwin, and many have asked for information for that part of the world also. So the next volume will cover the Northern Territory. I spent several weeks over there earlier this year to research a few previously missed corners, and I'll do my best to have the first draft finished by the end of the year. (Experience tells me that from January to June, the peak planning season for Kimberley travellers, I won't be doing much else but try to keep my head above the email flood!) As with Destination Kimberley when it launched, once the new guide is finished, there will be a limited time, very special, dirt cheap introductory offer, available only to readers of this newsletter :-). I will let you know when it's getting close, so you can keep an eye on your inbox! Until then I will leave you with some great reader submissions that came in, so you can keep dreaming about your recent or maybe next year's trip...
And a couple of submissions describing trips from previous years: More from the Kimberley soon! B. Feedback? Go to (c) 2005-2009, Birgit Bradtke. All rights reserved. The Kimberley Guide is published by Birgit Bradtke in Kununurra, WA 6743, Australia. Reproduction of any material from this newsletter without written permission is prohibited. |
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