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Kimberley News: reader feedback, trip report, a local de March 08, 2017 |
8 March 2017, Issue #052 Please do not reply to this message. To unsubscribe or change your address please use the links at the bottom of this message. To contact me please use the contact page. In this issue:
Hi, Hope this finds you well! Before we get to the regular newsletter updates I want to welcome any new subscribers and let you know that in the last newsletter issue I had announced a brand new free pocket guide for all subscribers. If you joined us before Wednesday, then you do not have access to it yet! (All future subscribers will automatically receive it.) Have you downloaded the new Pocket Guide yet? I don't want you to miss out so here is a direct link to the last issue (#51) with the announcement and the download link. (It's the last item in the newsletter, just scroll down.) This is of course also for all regular subscribers who may have missed the last newsletter issue. Also, feel free to share this link and spread the word about the new guide book if you know people who would benefit from this info. (Do recommend they get on the newsletter, too. I don't think I need to tell you why that is a good thing to do! And of course, do feel free to send this link to anyone who you think might benefit from either pocket guide and/or the newsletters.) By the way, all newsletter issues are archived on my website. You (or anybody curious about the newsletter) can access them there any time! Just bookmark the back issues page. A big thank you to everyone who has written with feedback about the new pocket guide or suggestions for the upcoming full Red Centre guide. Most of your questions have been addressed and the answers incorporated in both guides (Pocket Guide and upcoming Destination Red Centre). Thanks also for the many kind words you sent! "We are 2WDers for now, but plan to learn to 4WD. So your forthcoming book is exactly what we need." "Combined with Birgit's other books all visitors to the North will be very happy." "I can't wait to buy the full guide for our 11 day 4wd trip with our two kids. Hiring a 4wd in Alice." If you are one of the many people who can't wait to get their hands on Monica's full guide, keep your eyes on your inbox over the next days. I will be sending out a special issue about its release as I do not want to clutter up the regular newsletter any more than I already have. With that said, lets get back to our regulary scheduled program... Reader feedback/trip report from last season. In response to the last newsletter issue I received this beautiful message from Hans, who has travelled to the Kimberley five times now. I thought his comments about the changes he has observed were interesting. They mirror what I have been telling you over the last years, including the increasing warnings to book ahead in places that used to be little known, secret gems. (Also see the last two newsletter issues on that.) Who on this list still remembers the great little bush camp sites at Bell Gorge? I sure do! Yes, the times have changed, the Kimberley has changed, and this change will continue. If you have been thinking about going, don't put it off any longer! (I think I have been saying that for years, too.) Anyway, here is Hans: Hi Birgit, After travelling around the Kimberley five times now, my wife and I would like to thank you for the information and warnings you provided. We found every information you provided to be of great value and luckily we have never encountered any problems whatsoever. The Bungle Bungles and many other areas are getting very crowded now, ie. even prior to the peak season. The first time we visited the Bungle Bungles in May 2004 both camping grounds had plenty of vacant spots and there was no booking required. Bells Gorge had very nice camping sites near the Gorge, these days no longer available. Soon we will see traffic lights on the Gibb River road??? Anyway, we have travelled the world and find the Kimberley still one of the most natural and beautiful places in the world. Thanks again for all your efforts. Kind Regards, Hans Esser and wife Dagmar Thanks for writing, Hans and Dagmar! And here is another lovely message from a reader who visited the Top End and Kimberley last year. On my website Bertie is sharing some of his beautiful photos and the video of a presentation he did about his trip. Magic moments at the Top End (Kakadu and the Kimberley) Thanks, Bertie! Have a trip report yourself? I am sure everybody here would love to read it! Please share it with us. Life on the Gibb River Road for a week. The next article is not from a reader of, but from someone appearing in Destination Kimberley: Neville from Over the Range Tyre and Mechanical Repairs! Nev has been an icon on the Gibb for many years and the saviour of countless travellers. He is also always happy for people to drop in to look at the great wet season photos and to have a chat. In this article he shares his views of life along the Gibb and why he wouldn't trade it for anything. Life On The Gibb River Road For A Week (When you read Nev's recommendations for driving the Gibb, and his comments in the very last paragraph, you'll find that they mirror exactly what I keep telling you.) Destination Kimberley and Destination Top End Updates I don't have any real updates! Rain seems to have slowed down some, but most people expect that there is more to come. Unfortunately there is no way of telling yet. Also no news yet from Mount Elizabeth Station. Rumour has it that major changes are afoot for tourists, but really, they are just rumours. Maybe things will change, maybe they'll stay the same. Unfortunately there is no way of telling yet. You'll be getting a special issue of this newsletter in your inbox within the next 3-7 days. If you plan to travel to the Red Centre at some stage, don't miss it! The next regular newsletter will come out when new information becomes available about what is happening after this huge wet season. Or in early April the very latest. And that's it for today! Those of you planning on leaving for their trips soon, please always also refer to the appendix of Destination Kimberley and Destination Top End or to the links in previous newsletters to keep yourself up to date about the conditions. Happy travels, Birgit Feedback? Found some out of date info in one of my guides? Let me know via (c) 2005-2017, Birgit Bradtke. All rights reserved. |
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